A couple of months ago, while developing a website for a client, I was tasked with creating a WishList and Favorites system.
The only available solution for a WishList was Commerce's WishList, but it didn't meet my needs:
- Commerce's WishList depends on Commerce, and since the project isn't an ecommerce site, installing the entire Commerce package wasn't practical.
- Additionally, Commerce's WishList stores data in cookies, whereas I needed a system that could store WishList data more durably and allow management across multiple browsers and devices.
- Furthermore, the client also requested a Favorites system, and using Commerce's WishList for both purposes wasn't feasible.
From these needs arose the "UserWishList" snippet package.
UserWishList operates independently, leveraging Evolution CMS 3.1x User TVs to store user WishList data.
This approach ensures multi-device access to personal lists and offers valuable analytics and marketing opportunities based on user profiles.
Key features include:
- Ability to manage multiple independent lists on the same site
- Multilingual support with customizable translation files
- Full customization of texts, CSS classes, and component attributes
- AJAX handling for instant addition and removal of items
- Custom language files to keep content of different lists separated
The package includes 4 snippets:
The UserWishList snippet allows users to view and remove items from their wishlist. This snippet retrieves data from the user's Template Variable and displays it on a listing page.
The AddToWishList snippet enables registered users to add an item to their wishlist. When a user clicks the designated button, the snippet retrieves the item ID and saves it in the user's Template Variable as a comma-separated list of IDs.
The MostWished snippet retrieves data from the Template Variable of all users and generates a list of the most wished items.
The WishedBy snippet displays the names (name, fullname, or username) of users who have added an item to their wishlist.
More info, docs and download at: